World Oceans Day 悉尼幼教課堂活動分享

2022年6月8日星期三是World Oceans Day,小編設計一個有趣又增加小孩對藝術的興趣活動。先用白色蠟筆在白紙上畫出不同種類的海洋動物,之後讓小孩用藍色的水彩畫出來。小孩們都好喜歡這個活動,大家都圍在一齊看看到底紙塗上顏料後到底是什麼海洋動物。以下是小編今天的課堂筆記給家長們看。

課題:Children are Connected with and Contribute to their World

內容:As we celebrated world oceans day, children were encouraged to paint the sea animals this morning. I set up an arts and crafts activity for children to explore this morning. I used white crayon to draw different sea animals on the paper. Children were engaged in painting it out with blue paint. Children showed excitement to see the invisible sea animals on the paper. The children were able to utilise fine motor skills during this activity. The children were also able to work on animal identification and colours.

World Oceans Day Activities for Children




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