CHCECE018 Nurture creativity in children done📓LisBaby幼教筆記

今天給大家分享的幼教筆記課題是「CHCECE018 Nurture creativity in children done」中文意思是「培養孩子的創造力完成」。這個課題對於以後做老師設計每日教學內容很重要,尤其是在你的設計教學課程如何培養小孩對事物的創造力和思維。以下是小編覺得比較主要的內容,如果你有補充歡迎留言分享。謝謝!!!

When determining the correct level of supervision, take the following considerations into account:

•    Number of children.
•    Ages of children.
•    Abilities or disabilities of children.
•    Skills and experience of educators.
•    The nature of the activity and the materials being used.
•    The location of the activity including visibility and access.
•    Potential risks and hazards of the activity.
•    Educators’ knowledge of each child’s needs and abilities.

The learning framework designed for the children in care should be planned around the approved and recognised learning framework. 

The learning outcomes are:
•    Children have a strong sense of identity.
•    Children are connected with and contribute to their world.
•    Children have a strong sense of wellbeing.
•    Children are confident and involved learners.
•    Children are effective communicators.

The principles are:
•    Secure, respectful and reciprocal relationships.
•    Partnerships with families.
•    High expectations and equity.
•    Respect for diversity.
•    Ongoing learning and reflective practice.

The practice is:
•    Holistic approaches.
•    Responsiveness to children.
•    Learning through play.
•    Intentional teaching.
•    Learning environments.
•    Cultural competence.
•    Continuity of learning and transitions.
•    Assessment for learning.

Plan and design activities for the following expressive arts:

•    Music which can include:
      –    singing—solo, duos, trios, quartets, choirs.
      –    playing musical instruments—drums, xylophone, piano/keyboard, recorder, castanets, shakers, guitar.
       –    making musical instruments—shakers, drums, horns.
       –    recording music.
       –    live performances for peers and parent/carers.
       –    conducting.
       –    experimenting with different styles of music such as pop, classical, opera, tribal or multicultural.
       –    visits to theatres to watch musical performances.

•    Movement:
      –    Dancing, either individually, with partners or in groups.
      –    different styles of dancing such as ballet, tap or ballroom.
      –    choreography.
      –    puppet shows.
      –    mime.
      –    juggling.
      –    costume design.
      –    making props for performance.
      –    live performances for peers and parents/carers.

•    Construction:
      –    planning and design.
      –    drawing plans.
      –    measuring.
      –    calculating resources required.
      –    building.
      –    decorating.
      –    sand sculptures.

•    Visual art, such as:
      –    Painting.
      –    Sculpting.
      –    sketching/drawing.
      –    collage.
      –    textile work.
      –    graphic design.

•    Dramatic play, such as:
      –    role play.
      –    re-enactment
      –    monologue.
      –    performance poetry.
      –    improvisation.
      –    drama sketches.
      –    costume design.
      –    set design.
      –    prop design.

Indoor environments include:

•    Classroom.
•    Music room/recording suite.
•    Theatre/dance studio.
•    Gymnasium/sports centres and facilities.
•    Technology workshop.
•    Kitchen.
•    ICT suite (information and communication technologies).
•    Scientific laboratory.
•    Museums.
•    Libraries. 
Outdoor environments include:

•    Playground.
•    Parks and woodland areas.
•    Beach/sandpit.
•    Swimming pool.
•    Local community.
•    Multi-sensory gardens.
•    Mazes.
•    Visits to historical monuments.
•    Field trips.

Natural elements include:

  • Vegetable gardens.
  • Flowers, plants, trees or gardens.
  • Sandpits and dirt for digging.
  • Cultural areas within the local community.
  • Watercourses containing animal and plant life as well as pebbles, gravel and sand.
  • Plants and trees with edible features.
  • Plants that encourage wildlife such as birds, butterflies and insects.
  • Trees to provide shade.
  • Compost areas.
  • Water play area.

Skills and abilities that could be evaluated include:

  • Reading.
  • Writing.
  • Oral Communication.
  • Numeracy.
  • Independent learning.
  • Independent thought.
  • Critical reflection.
  • Collaboration with others.
  • Creativity.
  • Innovation.
  • Problem-solving.
  • Ability to use equipment.
  • Ability to select appropriate materials.

Ways in which learning, development and understanding can be assessed and measured include:

  • Written assessments.
  • Question papers.
  • Multiple-choice assessments.
  • Picture tests.
  • Oral assessment.
  • Practical assessment.
  • Listening tests.

Factors to consider prior to any modifications might include:

  • General learning environments.
  • Reducing the size of a playing area to accommodate children with disabilities.
  • Confirming the number of children and educators in a group.
  • Upgrading the duration (and difficulty) of an activity.
  • Changing the number of elements or tasks within an activity.
  • Changing topics and subject matter for activities and experiences.
  • Changing assessment methods, based on the individual child’s abilities.
  • Assessment of materials and equipment used.
  • Assessment of the types of expressive art available.




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