CHCECE016 Establish and maintain a safe and healthy environment for children|LisBaby幼教筆記

2022年小編打算在LisBaby網站上分享一些關於早教幼教的筆記以及教學內容,如果大家有興趣的朋友,請記得關注喔!今日小編首先分享關於幼教筆記是CHCECE016 Establish and maintain a safe and healthy environment for children。這個文章筆記的內容是小編純屬個人覺得比較重要部分,如果你還有其他重點想跟其他人分享,不妨在文章下留言。

The appropriate authorities may include:

  • Health professionals
  • Department of Health
  • GPs

The type of health information which may need to be confirmed includes:

  • Immunisation
  • Nutrition and physical activity
  • Asthma
  • Diabetes
  • Arthritis
  • Mental health
  • Injury prevention
  • Food allergies

The required educator-to-child ratios for NSW are as follows:

Age of children Educator-to-child ratio (NSW)
Birth to 24 months 1:4
Over 24 months and less than 36 months 1:5
Over 36 months up to and including preschool age 1:10

The minimum amount of floor space required indoors per child may vary between States and will also be calculated and enforce by relevant legislation.

In New South Wales, there needs to be a minimum of 3.25m² of unobstructed floor space per child, with 4.5m² considered to be best practice. A minimum of 10m² of unencumbered floor space is required per adult.




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