最近小編打算找過一份新的幼教工作,小編正在猶豫找一份全職 (Full time) 或兼職 (Part time) 的工作,還是跟中介做臨時工 (Casual) 好。全職工的話,小編就會沒有時間做副業以及照顧起家庭相對於難,但是全職工比較好找,收入穩定,工資相對可以提高一些。兼職工就如現在一樣,收入不理想而且工作量跟全職工一樣多,甚至更多。臨時工的話,收入高一些,工作時間可以自由決定,唯一不好要自駕去不同的幼兒園上班,有時候離家遠。同行們,你們是我會如何選擇呢???
不管怎樣選擇,小編已經決定辭職現有的工作啦!最近小編也申請了幾份工,幾乎都有電話或者email回覆叫去面試。暫時來講,中介的臨時工,幾乎100%面試成功的,只要你提供幼師的證書,Police Check, WWCC, First Aid 和駕駛執照再兩個referees。今天你準備的資料齊全,再Zoom或者電話面試一下,幾乎第二天就可以上班。另外兩份是小編面試的連鎖式大型幼兒園,應徵全職或兼職幼師,幼兒園名字就不方便透露啦。這類的幼兒園就會比較嚴格一些,先是HR打電話或者email你,電話面試,之後過了就要求你去幼兒園正式面對面面試。
Can you tell me a bit about yourself? or Tell me about yourself (中文翻譯:你能告訴我一些關於你自己的事情嗎? 或者告訴我你自己) — 你的面試官可能會問這個問題來更多地了解你這個人。 讓你的答案相對簡短,但要包括關於是什麼讓你與眾不同的信息。 你可以參考你的愛好、志願者工作和背景。
Example: I’m the eldest of five children, so I naturally took on the role of teacher and mentor, even before I entered the child care sector three years ago. My love of skating inspired me to join the local roller derby team. In my spare time, I love hosting dinner parties and treating my guests to vegetarian dishes.
Example: I am an early childcare professional with several years of experience in the care of children and providing early education. Through my own childhood experiences, I appreciate the value of a loving, supportive, and nurturing environment. Not all children have a positive home environment, but I can make sure that every child in my care has a safe environment and loving support when they are with me.
Why do you want to work at our child care centre? (中文翻譯:你為什麼想在我們的托兒中心工作?) — 這個問題決定了你對托兒中心的了解程度以及它的獨特之處。 在面試前研究托兒中心,並在回答中提及你喜歡的特定元素。 參考中心的理念或使命宣言是一個很好的方法。
Example: Your commitment to inspiring a life-long love of learning resonates with me. Children form their attitudes to education early, and I’d like to be part of the reason they want to know more about the world around them. I’ve always believed it takes a village to raise a child, so I also love your focus on engaging families and the wider community to achieve learning outcomes.
What is your biggest weakness? (中文翻譯:你最大的弱點是什麼?) — 你的面試官可能會問這個問題,以了解你的自我意識並衡量你的缺點是否是主要挑戰。 提到一個職業弱點,而不是個人弱點,然後解釋你是如何試圖克服它的。
Example: I am a naturally shy person which can make speaking up and leading a group challenging for me. However, I joined Toastmasters six months ago to build my confidence and work on my public speaking skills. I feel participating in this organisation has been really helpful in overcoming this weakness.
Example: Patience. As daycare teachers and childcare workers, we are constantly faced with difficult situations. Especially when working with younger children, they are still learning to speak, communicate, think, and interact with others. Patience is an important factor in facilitating the learning process in all areas of a child’s development.
Why did you leave your last job? (中文翻譯:你為什麼離開上一份工作?)— 這個問題決定了你繼續前進的原因以及你是否是忠誠的員工。 保持你的回答真實而積極,突出你學到的東西和你對未來的樂觀。
Example: My last job was my first role in child care and I am so grateful for the opportunities that position provided. While I learned a lot, I had a junior role which limited my responsibilities. With limited advancement opportunities, I decided to find somewhere new where I can apply what I learned there in a more senior role.
Can you tell me about a time you experienced conflict with another employee or a parent? How did you handle that? (中文翻譯:你能告訴我你與另一位員工或父母發生衝突的經歷嗎? 你是怎麼處理的?) — 這個問題評估你解決衝突的能力。 解釋衝突是關於什麼的,以及你是如何處理它的。 如果這不是你以前經歷過的事情,請向面試官承認這一點。 然後建議如果出現這種衝突,你將如何解決。
Example: A parent at my last job took issue with the way I disciplined their child with a short timeout for biting another child. I explained that these short timeouts were our policy for recurring acts of physical violence, including biting, and that the length of the timeout was appropriate for children of that age. The parent was not satisfied, so I referred them to my manager, who documented the issue and explained my actions further. On hearing from my manager, they accepted I was simply following the centre’s policy.
How would you create a child care program with the Early Years Learning Framework and National Quality Standard in mind? (中文翻譯:你將如何在考慮早期學習框架和國家質量標準的情況下創建兒童保育計劃?) — 這個問題評估你對這些指南的理解以及你將如何應用它們。 籠統地說,但隨意添加您認為會滿足這些程序的特定主題。
Example: I‘d create a program that stimulates children’s brains and engages them in the learning process. I believe the best way to do that is to listen to what children are naturally interested in and build lessons around that. I imagine technology would feature in the program as so many children have an affinity for it. For example, I’d love to bring virtual reality into the classroom. Imagine teaching children about Africa and then letting them take a virtual safari.
How do you stay organized and structure your teaching day? (中文翻譯:你如何保持組織和安排你的教學日?)— 這個問題評估你對教學時間上的安排以及你的教學課程是否達標。
Example: I always have a monthly overview and use this to create the following week’s outline before the end of the current week. Each night, I prepare an activity timeline for the next day and make sure the resources for the next morning’s first activity are ready. This keeps me on track and organized.
Do you know what EYLF and NQF are? (中文翻譯:你知道EYLF和NQF是什麼嗎?) — 這個主要看你對EYLF和NQF的熟悉。
Example: There are five outcomes in Early Years Learning Framework such as:
- Learning Outcome 1: A strong sense of identity.
- Learning Outcome 2: Connection to and contribution with their world.
- Learning Outcome 3: A strong sense of wellbeing.
- Learning Outcome 4: Confident and involved learners.
- Learning Outcome 5: Effective communicators.
Five principles of the EYLF such as:
- Secure, respectful and reciprocal relationships. …
- Partnerships. …
- High expectations and equity. …
- Respect for diversity. …
- Ongoing learning and reflective practice.
There are seven quality areas such as:
- Quality Area 1 – Educational program and practice.
- Quality Area 2 – Children’s health and safety.
- Quality Area 3 – Physical environment.
- Quality Area 4 – Staffing arrangements.
- Quality Area 5 – Relationships with children.
- Quality Area 6 – Collaborative partnerships with families and communities.
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